EFL - one of the first leasing companies in Poland

EFL - one of the first leasing companies in Poland

EFL is a thriving financial institution with 30 years of experience, first-class specialists and highly specialized infrastructure. Thanks to this, so many customers trust us!

Relevant Figures in EFL’s History

374 000
374 000

Amount of all customers

1 061 000
1 061 000

Amount of agreements signed

89 bn zł
89 bn zł

Value of investments financed

Registration data

Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A.
54-202 Wrocław ul. Legnicka 48 bud. C-D

District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, the 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS) NIP: 897-001-26-57   |    KRS: 0000026609

Share Capital: 674 112 374,73   |   Paid-up capital: 674 112 374,73

Registration documents of EFL and its commercial agencies

Business Profile

EFL – one of the first leasing companies in Poland

Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. started its operations in June 1991 as one of the first leasing companies in Poland. Since the very beginning of its establishment, it has been the leader in the business sector in question and has been playing an active role in the development of national entrepreneurship. Currently, EFL is a resilient financial institution with 30 years’ experience, which employs top-class experts and has specialist infrastructure facilities. Consequently, this has enabled us to earn the trust of so many customers!

EFL is a provider of comprehensive financial solutions: lease, loan, long-term hire, factoring and additional products. We finance both passenger cars and commercial vehicles, provide lease for machines and equipment, IT hardware (including software). We co-operate with leading manufacturers and suppliers. The Company holds 100% of shares in Carefleet SA, a business specialising in long-term hire services, and is the owner of Eurofactor Polska SA, which offers factoring services. EFL renders its services to customers representing the SME sector and provides financing for prominent transactions conducted by corporate and institutional clients. EFL boasts a well-developed field sales network, which allows it to be always close to customers and ensure comprehensive and high-quality service.

EFL's History


Strength in the Group

We changed the logotype, colors and style of materials to be more identify ourselves with the Credit Agricole Group. We have been part of it for over 20 years. It is one of the largest financial institutions in the world. Identifying with the Credit Agricole Group in Poland means greater recognition, more opportunities and a variety of products available to our clients and partners. We will operate even more efficiently in the Group. We will provide fast service, many products to choose from and expert advice.


30 years in business

We has been celebrating 30 years in Polish leasing market. EFL was founded in 1991 as a one of the first leasing companies in Poland. Since then we have been continuously supporting the development of Polish entrepreneurs by offering  various methods of financing and constantly expanding the range of services to comprehensively serve its clients. EFL is a part of Credit Agricole S.A., one of the largest financial institutions in Europe, and Credit Agricole Leasing & Factoring S.A., the most important player in the leasing and factoring sector in Europe.


TRUCK CARE. A new brand in the EFL Group

In the result of the shares margers of EFL and the DBK Group in 2020 we have gained a Partner with an extensive experience in the transport market in the field of comprehensive rental of commercial vehicles and services for the TSL industry.

The new TRUCK CARE brand (formerly DBK Rental) is an expression of this connection and visual identification with the EFL financial group. The new company’s offer addressed to entrepreneurs optimizes all fleet maintenance costs. It provides modern solutions for the TSL sector that ensure the safety of every transport activity.


Strategic cooperation between EFL and the DBK Group

Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. became a strategic partner of the DBK Group. An agreement initiating the process of acquaring 70% of shares in HAMA Polska Sp. z o.o. was signed on February 4, 2020. The balance sheet total of HAMA Polska is almost PLN 500 milions, and the size of a financed fleet is over 3100 vehicles.


The new headquarters of EFL

On January 20, 2020 the EFL headquarters was moved to modern office complex at Legnickia 48 bud. C-D Street. Together with EFL other companies of the EFL group and Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A  also moved to the new office.


Strategic Partner for the Leasing Forum

2018 saw the first edition of the Leasing Forum, during which issues relating to ecology, electromobility and car-sharing were discussed.

During the Forum, a debate dubbed “Electric Cars, Autonomous Cars, Transport as a Service – Evolution or Revolution?” was held, which was attended by Radosław Kuczyński, CEO. The meeting brought together the representatives of both Polish and foreign leasing and insurance companies, banks and FinTech firms.


25th Anniversary of EFL

In 2016, EFL celebrates its Silver Anniversary. It has already been 25 years that the Company has been providing funding to economic operators through loan or lease intended for investment in passenger cars and commercial vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, machines & equipment and real property.

From the very beginning, EFL has been the leader in the business sector in question and the greatest leasing company in Poland.


Comprehensive Offer for Businesses

EFL is consistent in developing its product portfolio while offering lease, loan, rental and insurance facilities, as well as a range of additional services.

The Company brings tangible benefits to customers, which are tailored to their specific business needs and their market situation. In 2013, EFL launched a revolutionary product called “Leasing Swobodny”, allowing the customer to decide on the amount of rental fees throughout the term of the agreement.


Change of Logo. Beginning of Rebranding

In 2012, EFL changed its logo and began the rebranding process concerning the network of sales offices and agencies. The new corporate identity demonstrates the Company’s affiliation with the Credit Agricole Group in a clearer way.


20th Anniversary of EFL

In 2011, EFL celebrated its 20th anniversary. To commemorate this event, a corporate film showing the Company’s achievements and accomplishments was produced.

In 2011, we also saw the opening of the After-Lease Sales Centre in Magnice near Wrocław, which was one of the largest centres in this part of Europe.

The Company proved its market position and the highest quality of products and service offered to customers, as it was awarded the Customer-Friendly Company title, the Premium Brand title for highly reputable companies and the Diamond Prosperity award.


New Growth Opportunities

Between 2007 and 2008, EFL entered into an agreement with Humansoft, which marked the introduction of computer hardware lease into the Company’s offer.

Shortly after that, EFL entered into another agreement with Vobis chain stores – since then, IT hardware lease has been available also directly at the hardware seller’s points of sale.


European Investment Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank – Beginning of Co-operation

Between 2007 and 2008, EFL entered into agreements with the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank, under which it was granted multi-million loans for supporting SMEs. Before, EFL had worked together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Collaboration with International Financial Institutions became an important element of the EFL’s operational strategy. Between 2005 and 2012, EFL provided to Polish economic operators the total funding of nearly EUR 1 bln to finance their investments.


Time for Awards and Recognitions

In the years 2004 and 2005, EFL was awarded, among other things, the following titles: “The Best Leasing Company of the Last 15 Years” (An Economic Award presented by “Gazeta Prawna”) and “The Best Business Partner” (an award handed out by the “Home & Market” magazine).

Also, financial products offered by EFL earned public recognition, which included, among other things, a renewable lease and “XXL Leasing Dużego Formatu” (“XXL Large Format Lease”).


New EFL Head Office, New Plans

In 2002, all the CA Group companies moved to a state-of-the-art office building called Centrum Orląt, which was acclaimed as Wrocław’s building of the year.


EFL Noticed by Internationally Renowned Organisation: EFL a part of Crédit Agricole

On 16 November 2001, EFL became a part of the biggest French bank – Crédit Agricole.


First Personal Lease on Polish Market Dubbed “Dobra Rata”

In 2000, EFL introduced a personal lease to its offer. “Dobra Rata” (“Good Rental Fee”) is a unique and the first-ever product available on the Polish market.


EFL Goes Public

In 1997, Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy was transformed into a joint-stock company (spółka akcyjna, S.A.). 2000 saw the first listing of GDRs of Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.


First Big Investments of 1995

In 1995, EFL acquired 100% of the shares of Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe “EUROPA”, an insurance company. Two years later, it took over the controlling interest of MR Leasing Serwis, a leasing company.


AS 400 Computer System Implemented

In 1994, EFL implemented AS/400, a modern computer system, which enabled EFL’s network of agencies to work together online.


Company Setup

On 13 June 1991, Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy commenced its operations as one of the first leasing companies in Poland.

In 1992, EFL began the process of opening the network of its agencies throughout the entire country.


Radosław Woźniak

Radosław Woźniak is a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science of the Wrocław University of Technology and of the Faculty of Financial Advisory and Brokerage of the Business Development Institute.

He started his professional career as an entrepreneur and co-owner of a small company in the IT sector. After that he worked at the Getin Service Provider Company as the Vice-President of the Management Board. In 2003, Radosław Woźniak joined EFL – a company to which he has devoted the largest part of his career to date. He started from the position of the Project Manager responsible for cooperation with external financial institutions. After that he became the Deputy Sales Director, responsible for the project of cooperation with PSA, both on behalf of EFL and CA Bank Polska. Between 2005 and 2010, he was the Managing Director of Retail Leasing and Auto Finance Business Lines, after which in January 2010, he was appointed as the Vice-President of the Management Board responsible for Sales and Marketing
In May 2018, Radosław Woźniak became the President of the Management Board of EFL Finance – a company handling the distribution of EFL Group products and being an insurance agent.

Since September 3, 2019, he has held the position of the President of the EFL Management Board.

Radosław Woźniak is a member of CAL&F’s Executive Committee, a member of the Supervisory Board of Carefleet SA and a member of the Supervisory Board of Eurofactor Polska SA, actively working for the development and promotion of leasing in Europe.

Radosław Woźniak

President of the Management Board

See profile >

Paweł Lewandowski

Paweł Lewandowski commenced his professional career in 1998 as Key Account manager at the Austria Creditanstalt Bank in Wrocław. At the end of 1999, he established a cooperation with the EFL Group by creating the Special Sales Department as a unit dedicated to sales support for corporate clients. In subsequent years, he held managerial positions in the risk area. From 2002, he worked as a deputy and later as Director of the Risk Management Department, initially being responsible for the area of credit and risk policy areas and later, from 2007, as the Managing Director also in the area of debt collection, post-leasing sales, and agreements control.  Between 2005 and 2014, Paweł Lewandowski worked simultaneously in Credit Agricole Bank Polska, initially as an Advisor to the Management Board responsible for the creation of the risk management and credit processes function for the SMEs segment, and subsequently as a Director of the Risk Department for the SMEs area. Since 1 June 2015, he has been holding the position of Vice-President of the Management Board of EFL responsible for Operations.

Paweł Lewandowski

Vice-President of the Management Board

See profile >

Paweł Bojko

Paweł Bojko commenced his professional career in 1996 as a product manager in the headquarters of Lucas, at that time the only manufacturer and importer of LG equipment in Poland. In 1997-1999, he worked in the FMCG sector in Kesz as the head of analysts and later as marketing manager. Between 1999 and 2001, he worked at IMPEL SA where he was responsible for marketing and later also managed the strategic planning department.
From 2001, in EFL SA, he held the positions of deputy marketing director, advisor to the management board for strategic planning, and, later, controlling director. From 2007, he worked as the Managing Director of the Finance Division and at the same time as the Company’s proxy and a member of the supervisory board of subsidiaries – EFL Finance SA, Carefleet SA and EFL Service SA.
Since 1 June 2015, he has been holding the position of Member of the Management Board for Finance in EFL and since March 2020 he has been holding the position of President of the Management Board in EFL Finance.
In May 2021, he was appointed Vice President of the Management Board in EFL, responsible for sales and development.

Paweł Bojko

Vice-President of the Management Board

See profile >

Galyna Nechaeva

Galyna Nechaeva

Member of the Management Board

See profile >

Hans Ferm

Hans Ferm began his banking career in 1986 in the risk areas of Nordic countries, Germany, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Egypt. Since 2013 he has been a Member of the Management Board at Credit Agricole Ukraine. He joined EFL in 2021 as a Member of the Management Board responsible for Risk Management.

Hans Ferm

Member of the Management Board

See profile >

Daniel Stakic

Daniel Stakic began his career as an external auditor at Deloitte before joining the Group in 1991, where he held financial positions in France and internationally (Ukraine, Russia, London) for more than 10 years at LCL. In 2004, he joined Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (or CACIB) as head of financial control for Structured Finance. In 2008, he was appointed COO (or Chief Operating Officer) of CACIB Ukraine and then of the International Support Division at CACIB in Paris in 2013. In 2016, Daniel joined Crédit Agricole Indosuez as Chief Operating Officer in Hong Kong, and since 2020 has been a Project Manager in Paris.

Daniel Stakic

Member of the Management Board

See profile >

Hérvé Varillon


Bernard Muselet


Frédéric Madalle

Member of the Supervisory Board

Eugénie Aurange

Member of the Supervisory Board

Olivier Guilhamon

Member of the Supervisory Board

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